After clicking a submit button, create another submit button and do something else when that button is clicked

Buttons won’t hold their states (they will only be true if they were the last thing touched). So if you want to nest things with buttons, you can create something else in session state to reference rather than the button values directly.

if 'stage' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.stage = 0

def set_stage(stage):
    st.session_state.stage = stage

# Some code
st.button('First Button', on_click=set_stage, args=(1,))

if st.session_state.stage > 0:
    # Some code
    st.button('Second Button', on_click=set_stage, args=(2,))
if st.session_state.stage > 1:
    # More code, etc
    st.button('Third Button', on_click=set_stage, args=(3,))
if st.session_state.stage > 2:
    st.write('The end')
st.button('Reset', on_click=set_stage, args=(0,))