Hi, this is my first app with streamlit and I’m encountering some errors i can’t understand why.
App link: https://rotacions-pyrene.streamlit.app/
Github link: GitHub - paumazcu/rotacions-pyrene: Intent de fer un programa que faci les rotacions automàticament
Python version: 3.10.4
Streamlit version: 1.37.1
You can read the README.md file on Github for a brief explanation of what the app does and how it works.
I apologise the app is in catalan but is very simple (you don’t need to read the disclaimer)
The app is divided in 2 parts that show up when you first input a number in the first placeholder: “Rotacions monis” and “Rotacions nens”
When I run the app locally vs when i run it on the cloud I see 3 main differences.
- The download excel file button doesn’t appear on the cloud. (parts 1&2)
- The 4 columns task counter by names doesn’t appear on the cloud. (part 1)
- The second table is repeated many times while it should appear only once. (part 2)
- The first placeholder is filled with a number 1-6
- The following placeholders (part 1) are for text input and are supposed to be filled with few words (2 or 3) separated by commas. If the table doesn’t show up add a few words more somewhere.
- The final placeholders (part 2) are filled with numbers (Tipically 2-3)
Thank you in advance, I hope It is clear how the app works so you can reproduce it