Hi @rutvik,
I usually put my CSS in an external file and then load it into Streamlit, then the rest is pure HTML/CSS + python f-string formatting…
- style.css
.highlight {
border-radius: 0.4rem;
color: white;
padding: 0.5rem;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
.bold {
padding-left: 1rem;
font-weight: 700;
.blue {
background-color: lightcoral;
.red {
background-color: lightblue;
- load_css.py
import streamlit as st
def local_css(file_name):
with open(file_name) as f:
st.markdown('<style>{}</style>'.format(f.read()), unsafe_allow_html=True)
- app.py
import streamlit as st
from load_css import local_css
t = "<div>Hello there my <span class='highlight blue'>name <span class='bold'>yo</span> </span> is <span class='highlight red'>Fanilo <span class='bold'>Name</span></span></div>"
st.markdown(t, unsafe_allow_html=True)