Well, I’m guessing by the lack of updated response that what I’m asking for is not possible with this library. I’ve been beating my head against the wall with this library for 2 days now trying to get even the most simplest of interactions to work well.
I did find the chatbot component but like even the most basic apps the UI is pretty much non usable for anything other than the most simplest of use cases.
I finally got that the lib revolves around state. Fine. I tried to roll my own chat functionality using state instead and I get “bad format” errors
This code seems to just do nothing at all:
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_chat import message
st.title("ChatGPT-like Web App")
top = st.empty()
bottom = st.empty()
def text_changed():
input = st.session_state["input"]
st.session_state["input"] = ""
user_input = top.text_input("You:",key='input',on_change=text_changed)
And if you change the “empty” calls to “container” you get the “bad format” bug.
Ug, I’ve wasted enough time with this lib, moving on to something else.