Custom component, crops drop down items

  • I’m trying to implement custom component with streamlit via streamlit template.

  • I’m trying to simply wrap existing multi select react component.
    (i.e. react-multi-select-component - npm)

  • But when I tried, the output dropdown items is not visible(cropped, I think)

  • The code

import {
} from "streamlit-component-lib"
import React, { ReactNode } from "react"
import MultiSelect from "react-multi-select-component";

interface State {
  isFocused: boolean;
  selected: any;

class MultiSelectCheckbox extends StreamlitComponentBase<State> {
  public state = { 
    selected: [
      { label: "Grapes πŸ‡", value: "grapes" },
      { label: "Mango πŸ₯­", value: "mango" }], 
    isFocused: false }

  public render = (): ReactNode => {
    const options = [
      { label: "Grapes πŸ‡", value: "grapes" },
      { label: "Mango πŸ₯­", value: "mango" },
      { label: "Strawberry πŸ“", value: "strawberry", disabled: true },
      { label: "Watermelon πŸ‰", value: "watermelon" },
      { label: "Pear 🍐", value: "pear" },
      { label: "Apple 🍎", value: "apple" },
      { label: "Tangerine 🍊", value: "tangerine" },
      { label: "Pineapple 🍍", value: "pineapple" },
      { label: "Peach πŸ‘", value: "peach" },

    return (
        // onChange={(d: string[]) => {this.setState({selected: d});}}

export default withStreamlitConnection(MultiSelectCheckbox)

Seems like overflowing inside iframe is impossible.

The official streamlit component could do this (like st.selectbox or st.multiselect) because I think they are not contained within the iframe.