@blob123 I “think” (but @ash2shukla is the expert in this so I’ll let him chime in…) you can use a combination of Bokeh datatable + streamlit-bokeh-events for editable tables, but that may be a bit more complex to use too…
- Make Streamlit table results hyperlinks or add radio buttons to table? - #2 by ash2shukla
- Component for bi-directional communication with bokeh - #10 by ash2shukla
I know the Streamlit team is thinking about it but there’s no immediate timeframe for its development so in the meantime if you need an editable datatable, your best bet is writing a component for it
Have you looked at Streamlit’s add_rows functionality? You’ll see code examples for adding data to a dataframe and showing the result in a plot in real time.
For this one you may be better off overwriting the dataframe variable for now.