This is really lovely, thank you!!!
I get stuck in the situation where I need to edit a value twice to get it to “stick”. This is because I want to save my updated dataframe in session state. The usual solution to that issue is found here and here.
However, the session_state[‘key’] of experimental_data_editor returns a dict and not the updated dataframe. I see the point in just returning the changed values, but I would really need a dataframe to be able to take it with me to other pages in my multipage app. So if you could fix this that would make me even happier.
You could perhaps just extend the dict to contain the whole new dataframe. For example session_state[‘key’].data could return dataframe (yes I know this is also ag-grid’s naming convention but it’s quite standard ). .edited_cells, .added_rows and .deleted_rows could stay, I think it’s well thought through to have them as well.
Again, many thanks!