You can use caching to prevent rebuilding plots.
Also, you may want to look at tabs as an alternative. That will cause all charts to render up front and just switch views without being interpreted as a change in value by Streamlit.
Expanding on the pyplot example from the Streamlit Documentation:
import streamlit as st
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def get_numbers():
sets = []
for i in range(10):
return sets
sets = get_numbers()
def get_plot(i):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(sets[i], bins=20)
return fig
# create a bunch of figures
figs = [get_plot(i) for i in range(10)]
with st.expander('Using a slider'):
plot = st.container()
# use st.slider to select
index = st.slider('figure index', 1, 10)
# use st.pyplot
with plot:
with st.expander('Using tabs'):
tabs = st.tabs(list(np.array(range(1,11)).astype(str)))
for i in range(10):