Here’s what my code currently looks like so far
if tab == "Lift Prediction Calculator":
st.subheader("Predict Your Missing Lift")
Use this calculator to predict one of your lifts (Squat, Bench, or Deadlift) based on your body weight, sex, and the other two lifts. This can be useful if you want to predict where you should be on a lift, or to identify which of your lifts is the weakest.
# Prepare data for training
df_data = df_new_powerlift[['Best3SquatKg', 'Best3BenchKg', 'Best3DeadliftKg', 'BodyweightKg', 'Sex_Encoded']].dropna()
# Split data into predictors and target
def data_split(target):
X = df_data.drop(columns=[target])
y = df_data[target]
return X, y
# Dropdown to select the model type
model_type = st.selectbox("Select the model type:", ["LightGBM", "MLP", "Random Forest", "KNN"])
# Create models for the lift based on the model
models = {}
for target in ['Best3SquatKg', 'Best3BenchKg', 'Best3DeadliftKg']:
X, y = data_split(target)
if model_type == "LightGBM":
model = LGBMRegressor(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.1)
elif model_type == "MLP":
model = MLPRegressor(hidden_layer_sizes=(100,), max_iter=500)
elif model_type == "Random Forest":
model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100)
elif model_type == "KNN":
model = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=5), y)
models[target] = model
# Form for user input
with st.form(key="lift_prediction_form"):
input_lift = st.selectbox("Which lift do you want to predict?", ["Squat", "Bench", "Deadlift"])
bodyweight = st.number_input("Enter your body weight (kg):", min_value=20.0, max_value=200.0, step=0.1)
sex = st.selectbox("Select your sex:", ["Male", "Female"])
sex_encoded = 0 if sex == "Male" else 1
if input_lift == "Squat":
bench = st.number_input("Enter your Bench (kg):", min_value=20.0, max_value=600.0, step=0.1, key="bench_input")
deadlift = st.number_input("Enter your Deadlift (kg):", min_value=20.0, max_value=600.0, step=0.1, key="deadlift_input")
elif input_lift == "Bench":
squat = st.number_input("Enter your Squat (kg):", min_value=20.0, max_value=600.0, step=0.1, key="squat_input")
deadlift = st.number_input("Enter your Deadlift (kg):", min_value=20.0, max_value=600.0, step=0.1, key="deadlift_input")
elif input_lift == "Deadlift":
squat = st.number_input("Enter your Squat (kg):", min_value=20.0, max_value=600.0, step=0.1, key="squat_input")
bench = st.number_input("Enter your Bench (kg):", min_value=20.0, max_value=600.0, step=0.1, key="bench_input")
# Submit button
submit = st.form_submit_button(label="Predict")
# Perform prediction only after the form is submitted
if submit:
if input_lift == "Squat":
predicted_value = models['Best3SquatKg'].predict([[bench, deadlift, bodyweight, sex_encoded]])[0]
st.write("Predicted Squat:", round(predicted_value, 2), "kg")
elif input_lift == "Bench":
predicted_value = models['Best3BenchKg'].predict([[squat, deadlift, bodyweight, sex_encoded]])[0]
st.write("Predicted Bench:", round(predicted_value, 2), "kg")
elif input_lift == "Deadlift":
predicted_value = models['Best3DeadliftKg'].predict([[squat, bench, bodyweight, sex_encoded]])[0]
st.write("Predicted Deadlift:", round(predicted_value, 2), "kg")`Preformatted text`