How to capture the feedback effectively

I got the solution now.

A key can be supplied to the streamlit_feedback() and this key can access the feedback value.

streamlit_feedback(feedback_type="thumbs", align="flex-start", key='fb_k')

The feedback can be completed in two ways. One, the user has to press the button represented by a thumb. Second if optional text is added, the feedback can be completed by 2 button clicks selecting the thumb and adding text.

This situation makes the chat app a little bit complicated because when the feedback button is clicked, streamlit will rerun the code from top to bottom. Now if there is a text option, it will rerun twice. To minimize this complication, we will use the form, so that there is only 1 exit to capture the feedback.

if question := st.chat_input(placeholder="Ask your question here .... !!!!"):

    # This one.
    with st.form('form'):
        streamlit_feedback(feedback_type="thumbs", align="flex-start", key='fb_k')
        st.form_submit_button('Save feedback', on_click=fbcb)

We can do anything of what the feedback is asking, once done, press the form button.

We also use the callback function fbcb from click=fbcb in the form button and this is where we update the history of the feedback.

def fbcb():
    message_id = len(st.session_state.chat_history) - 1
    if message_id >= 0:
        st.session_state.chat_history[message_id]["feedback"] = st.session_state.fb_k

The value of the feedback can be accessed thru the key from the session_state.


Sample output

Full code

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_feedback import streamlit_feedback

if "chat_history" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.chat_history = []

def display_answer():
    for i in st.session_state.chat_history:
        with st.chat_message("human"):
        with st.chat_message("ai"):

        # If there is no feedback show N/A
        if "feedback" in i:
            st.write(f"Feedback: {i['feedback']}")
            st.write("Feedback: N/A")

def create_answer(question):
    if "chat_history" not in st.session_state:
        st.session_state.chat_history = []

    message_id = len(st.session_state.chat_history)

        "question": question,
        "answer": f"{question}_Answer",
        "message_id": message_id,

def fbcb():
    message_id = len(st.session_state.chat_history) - 1
    if message_id >= 0:
        st.session_state.chat_history[message_id]["feedback"] = st.session_state.fb_k

if question := st.chat_input(placeholder="Ask your question here .... !!!!"):

    with st.form('form'):
        streamlit_feedback(feedback_type="thumbs", align="flex-start", key='fb_k')
        st.form_submit_button('Save feedback', on_click=fbcb)


The streamlit_feedback function has a parameter called on_submit. This can also be used to get the feedback. I tried to apply that but did not work. But it will work in other situation.
