A simple example is to save user/ai chat say in a csv. Add an id column to be used in building a button in the sidebar.
CSV_FILE = "chat_history.csv"
chat_history_df = pd.read_csv(CSV_FILE)
except FileNotFoundError:
chat_history_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["ChatID", "Role", "Content"])
ChatID Role Content
0 982b1003-6e03-4f55-93a0-c2a29cabf6b8 User what is streamlit
1 982b1003-6e03-4f55-93a0-c2a29cabf6b8 AI Streamlit is an open-source Python library pri...
2 7807ab5f-0576-4022-9eab-3724c0c0590d User what is django
3 7807ab5f-0576-4022-9eab-3724c0c0590d AI Django is a high-level Python web framework th...
4 a063fe54-8274-4d5a-92a6-9ed3cc5b45ce User what is flutter in 20 words
5 a063fe54-8274-4d5a-92a6-9ed3cc5b45ce AI Flutter is an open-source UI software developm...
6 72543195-39a2-46d2-ab6a-c412d2580028 User what is openai in 30 words
7 72543195-39a2-46d2-ab6a-c412d2580028 AI OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research ...
Build buttons
def get_button_label(chat_df, chat_id):
first_message = chat_df[(chat_df["ChatID"] == chat_id) & (chat_df["Role"] == "User")].iloc[0]["Content"]
return f"Chat {chat_id[0:7]}: {' '.join(first_message.split()[:5])}..."
for chat_id in chat_history_df["ChatID"].unique():
button_label = get_button_label(chat_history_df, chat_id)
if st.sidebar.button(button_label):
current_chat_id = chat_id
loaded_chat = chat_history_df[chat_history_df["ChatID"] == chat_id]
loaded_chat_string = "\n".join(f"{row['Role']}: {row['Content']}" for _, row in loaded_chat.iterrows())
st.text_area("Chat History", value=loaded_chat_string, height=300)