I figured out it was the st.rerun() which was preventing the display to output. However, I also realized, I should do on_click call back on submit form button. That can help in preventing earlier messages to again get refreshed on screen.
I have few questions around that I need help resolving. I will ask one by one so u can understand.
Here’s the small code I have for st.form submit button. I am doing a callback instead of doing if submit_button:
# Use columns to center the form
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1,2,1])
with col2:
# Add details to st.form
with st.form("correction_form"):
st.write("Please provide valid values for the following fields:")
st.session_state.corrected_fields = {}
# Iterating one by one for each field correction
for error in st.session_state.errors:
field = error['field']
formatted_field = field.replace('_', ' ').title()
placeholder = f"Enter a valid value for {formatted_field}"
if "Missing required field" not in error['message']:
placeholder += f" ({error['message']})"
corrected_value = st.text_input(
if corrected_value:
st.session_state.corrected_fields[field] = corrected_value
print(f"within correct , corrected_values: {st.session_state.corrected_fields}")
# User action to submit all corrections
st.form_submit_button("Submit Corrections",on_click = handle_form_submit_corrections)
The callback function is defined as below:
# Callback function to handle submission of corrections
def handle_form_submit_corrections():
print(f"entered handle form")
# Show thank you message before rerunning
with st.chat_message("assistant", avatar="💁"):
stream_message("Thank you for the corrections. I'm validating your input now.")
print(f"corrected fields : {st.session_state.corrected_fields}")
print(f"Session state corrected fields : {st.session_state.corrected_fields}")
# Update merged_arguments with corrected values
# Clear errors and change stage to 'validate'
st.session_state.errors = []
st.session_state.current_stage = "validate"
# Rerun after the state changes
However, I am seeing it is not able to take the corrected_field dict as passed in callback to update my st.session_state.merged_arguments. Here is the output in terminal which shows that: Showing blank dict.
entered handle form
corrected fields : {}
Session state corrected fields : {}
How does the data get passed when we do callback on a button. I looked at docs and they said use st.session_state while sending variables data from form and I did, but it doesn’t seem to pass that.