The creation of the checkboxes could be controlled with an if-else
statement following the “All” checkbox, something like this:
import streamlit as st
def func1(): st.write("Function 1 executed.")
def func2(): st.write("Function 2 executed.")
def func3(): st.write("Function 3 executed.")
# function to run chosen function(s)
def execute():
if cb1: func1()
if cb2: func2()
if cb3: func3()
# checkbox shenanigans
cbAll = st.sidebar.checkbox("Select All")
if cbAll:
cb1 = st.sidebar.checkbox("Func 1",value=cbAll,disabled=True,key=1)
cb2 = st.sidebar.checkbox("Func 2",value=cbAll,disabled=True,key=2)
cb3 = st.sidebar.checkbox("Func 3",value=cbAll,disabled=True,key=3)
cb1 = st.sidebar.checkbox("Func 1",key=4)
cb2 = st.sidebar.checkbox("Func 2",key=5)
cb3 = st.sidebar.checkbox("Func 3",key=6)
run_btn = st.sidebar.button('Run', on_click=execute, key='e')
For many functions/checkboxes, I’d rather use multiselect: