How to upload a pdf file in streamlit

Hello @Gyanaranjan_pathi, welcome to the Streamlit forums :slight_smile:

import streamlit as st

uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Choose your .pdf file', type="pdf")
if uploaded_file is not None:
    df = extract_data(uploaded_file)
  • Then your PDF upload will be available as a StringIO object in the uploaded_file variable, so now to extract data from the PDF, you will need a Python library that can read your pdf as StringIO or a filelike object.

I used pdfplumber to extract tables from PDFs in one of my Streamlit apps, pdfplumber.load accepts StringIO so you can do :

def extract_data(feed):
    data = []
    with pdfplumber.load(feed) as pdf:
        pages = pdf.pages
        for p in pages:
    return None # build more code to return a dataframe 

but there are multiple other librairies like camelot, tabula-py or pdfminersix and I had to test multiple ones for my use case before going with pdfplumber so you may need to test multiple ones too depending on the info you need to extract !

Hope this helps :wink: