Is there a way to create a form with streamlit?

Hey @gunabam,

Welcome to our Streamlit community!!! :partying_face: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :partying_face:

Thanks for the shout out! We have a pretty great engineering team that never ceases to amaze :star_struck: (me at least! :smile:)

You can definitely create a form in Streamlit, I was able to create a simple one that only displays or does something with the values that the person inputs once the final date value is changed from its initial start date. Here the Script is still rerun each time you input a value, but the key is that you don’t do anything with those values until the final value is filled in. I think in most cases this could work!

import streamlit as st
import datetime

#make a title for your webapp
st.title("An Input Form")

#lets try a both a text input and area as well as a date
field_1 = st.text_input('Your Name') 
field_2 = st.text_area("Your address")

start_date =, 7, 6)
date = st.date_input('Your birthday', start_date)

if date != start_date:

However, if you are set on trying to create something based on states, there is a link here to the session_state where you may be able to work on a more complex solution!
Multi-page app with session state

Happy Streamlit-ing!