Navigation panel - can we have a button on the right hand side like 'Next' which automatically moves to the next 'page' in the navigation panel

Hey @ritesh.sharma29 (and FYI @vbard)

With the release of session state, this can be solved with an even simpler set of code, specific to the streamlit package! :tada:

You can store the values of all of your widgets in the state object and then use them on reruns of your app to dynamically change the output, including adding a “next” button to a set or radio options :partying_face:

In fact, I have already answered pretty much exactly this question (just recently) using the new session state feature. Check out that post here: How to create recurring forms with unique keys? - #6 by Marisa_Smith

option_names = ["a", "b", "c"]

output_container = st.empty()

next = st.button("Next/save")

if next:
    if st.session_state["radio_option"] == 'a':
        st.session_state.radio_option = 'b'
    elif st.session_state["radio_option"] == 'b':
        st.session_state.radio_option = 'c'
        st.session_state.radio_option = 'a'

option ="Pick an option", option_names , key="radio_option")

if option == 'a':
    output_container.write("You picked 'a' :smile:")
elif option == 'b':
    output_container.write("You picked 'b' :heart:")
    output_container.write("You picked 'c' :rocket:")

Check out the blog post here: Store Information Across App Interactions | Session State

State API here: Session State API — Streamlit 0.86.0 documentation

Upgrade Streamlit to 0.84 or above to be able to use this new feature!

Happy Streamlit-ing!