New Component: Streamlit camera live input

No, you won’t easily to be able to get similar performance to webrtc with this component. If you’re looking for performance, that one will always beat this one. This is meant to be a much simpler (and non-callback-based) component to use (see New Component: streamlit-webrtc, a new way to deal with real-time media streams - #103 by lorenzweb for an example of what the code for a bar code detector looks like, as opposed to streamlit-camera-input-live/ at main · blackary/streamlit-camera-input-live · GitHub.

So, it’s simpler to use, but if you want to build a better performing, more-real-time app, webrtc is your best bet.

Once I get around to adding switching cameras, I’m planning to add an argument that lets you default to the back camera.

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