New Component: Streamlit-tags a new way to do add tags and enter keywords

Replying to myself, st_tags_sidebar can be replaced with st_tags : it works with a with:

with st.sidebar:
    choice = st_tags(['1234'], [''], "test")
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Love it! :blush: Very useful, Thank you

Is it possible do indicate a “separator” of tags? On my app, users usually insert values separated by commas, and i wanted my app to interpret it as a list.

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Hello! I would like to say that I absolutely love this new component. It works so well!

I just wonder if it would be possible to combine selectbox with tags. So, when the user types in anything, the drop-down menu shows keywords that matches with their query. Just an idea. But overall, nice work and thank you!

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Hello! I’m trying to use st_tags do add values to a list, but maybe I had found a bug.
It is not possible to add the same value, for example:
If I have a list of errors [0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.5, 0.6], and try to add these numbers to a empty list using st_tags, will not be possible to add “0.5” again because it was added in the beginning.

The same occurs if I try to add the same string, so it is not just a problem for float or int.

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Hello! Do you think it would be possible for you to implement a feature that would allow a user to rearrange the items within the tag box as well?

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Love this component! Thank you for creating it @gagan3012 !!

It would be really awesome if this had on_change, similiar to Multiselect.


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everything cool, but… an iframe?? why?!

Because the current components API enforces it.

Hey Gagan, Thank you for creating this! but did you try creating .exe using pyinstaller ? When you do you will get following error as this component is unable to render in the web page from local server.

Attached here is the issue I face.

Hello @andfanilo : If you can shed some light on this, may also help!!

Hello @gagan3012, thank you for creating this! I have a question about how to reset the selected tags. I am able to change the value of the widget, but this does not erase the tags previously entered in the input field. Is there a way to do this?

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Hey! did you ever solve this? I am trying to reset my tags (if the user accidentally deletes the defaults) but I can’t figure it out