Questions on st.table

Hello @huani!

  1. Hmmmm…unfortunately I don’t think this is possible :frowning:, this bit is hardcoded in the Streamlit codebase, your best bet would be to whip out your own Table component. Feel free to open an issue on Github by specifying why your use case requires to remove the index column :slight_smile: .
  2. I think this is covered in this thread and by the Pandas Styler, the rounding precision of the dataframe displayed in the browser (managed through Styler) can be different from the rounding precision on the Python side. Are you looking for something like :
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.randn(50, 20),
    columns=('col %d' % i for i in range(20))


