Session_state initializing errors

Hey Iā€™ve been working on a website where you have to log in first before accessing the website. Iā€™ve been using a checkbox to log in but I want to switch over to a button and using the session state function to get this to work. Only Iā€™ve been getting this error ā€œAttributeError: st.session_state has no attribute ā€œload_stateā€. Did you forget to initialize it?ā€ and Iā€™ve no clue how to fix this.

This is the code Iā€™ve been using:

import pyrebase
import streamlit as st
from matlab_integration_laptop import Matlab_Calc

amount_of_peoples = 1

firebaseConfig = {
  "apiKey": "AIzaSyCxJfOQVBDT3cck7kMKJyCBgK8cdLCkeUI",
  "authDomain": "",
  "projectId": "test-fireestore-streamlit",
  "databaseURL": "",
  "storageBucket": "",
  "messagingSenderId": "110694863664",
  "appId": "1:110694863664:web:03f705aa4e180ff7762ef5",
  "measurementId": "G-2F25EY60QH"

firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(firebaseConfig)
auth = firebase.auth()

db = firebase.database()
storage =

st.sidebar.title("Our diabetes app")

choice = st.sidebar.selectbox('login/signup',['Login','Sign up'])

email = st.sidebar.text_input('Please enter your email address')
password = st.sidebar.text_input('Please enter your password', type = 'password')

if choice == 'Sign up':
    handle = st.sidebar.text_input('Please input your app username')
    submit = st.sidebar.button('Create my account')
    if submit:
        user = auth.create_user_with_email_and_password(email,password)
        st.success('Your account has been created successfully')
        user = auth.sign_in_with_email_and_password(email,password)
        st.title('Welcome '+handle)'Login via login option')
data_pd = {}
weight_var = 0

if "load_state" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.load_state = False

if choice == 'Login':
    login = st.sidebar.checkbox('Login')
    if login or st.session_state.load_state: 
        st.session_state.load_state = True
        user = auth.sign_in_with_email_and_password(email,password)
        st.write('<style>div.row-widget.stRadio > div{flex-direction:row;}</style>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
        bio ='Choose an option:',['Home','Add food','Pick food','Base settings'])
        if bio == 'Base settings':
            if db.child(user['localId']).child("Weight").get().val() is not None:
                st.write("Your last weight input was "+str(db.child(user['localId']).child("Weight").get().val())+" kg")
            if db.child(user['localId']).child("Weight").get().val() is not None:
                weight_var = db.child(user['localId']).child("Weight").get().val()
            weight = st.number_input('Please enter your bodyweight (in kg)')
            weight_button = st.button('Submit!')
            if weight_button and weight != 0:
                if weight_var>weight:
                    st.success("Great job!")
                st.success('Your weight has been added successfully')
        elif bio == 'Home':
            st.write("Welcome to the Pentabetes diabetes tester!!")
        elif bio == 'Add food':
            Food_addition = st.text_input("Type the name of what food you want to add")
            Carb_addition = st.number_input("Amount of carbohydrates per 100 grams of chosen food")
            press_input = st.button("Add food")
            if press_input and Carb_addition != 0:
                data_pd[Food_addition] = Carb_addition
                st.success('Your food has been added successfully')
        elif bio == 'Pick food':
            if db.child(user['localId']).child("Food").get().val() is not None and db.child(user['localId']).child("Weight").get().val() is not None:
                data_pd_1 = db.child(user['localId']).child("Food").get().val()
                weight_1 = db.child(user['localId']).child("Weight").get().val()
                Chosen_food = st.selectbox("Select food you want to eat",data_pd_1)
                Amount_food = st.number_input("grams of "+Chosen_food+" you want to eat")
                time = st.number_input('Time until consumption (min)')
                Select_food = st.button("Calculate food")
                Add_food = st.checkbox("Add second food item")
                if Select_food and weight_1 != None:
                    carb_100 = db.child(user['localId']).child("Food").child(Chosen_food).get().val()
                    carbs = ((((carb_100[Chosen_food])/100)*1000)*Amount_food)
                    Test_1 = Matlab_Calc(amount_of_peoples, weight_1, carbs, time)
                    if Test_1 == 'YES GOOD YES EAT':
                        st.success("You can eat "+str(Amount_food)+" grams of "+Chosen_food)
                        st.error("You cannot eat "+str(Amount_food)+" grams of "+Chosen_food)
                if Add_food:
                    Chosen_food_1 = st.selectbox("Select second food you want to eat",data_pd_1)
                    Amount_food_1 = st.number_input("grams of "+Chosen_food_1+" you want to eat ")
                    Select_food_1 = st.button("Calculate first and second food items")
                    Add_food_1 = st.checkbox("Add third food item")
                    if Select_food_1 and weight_1 != None:
                        carb_100 = db.child(user['localId']).child("Food").child(Chosen_food).get().val()
                        carb_100_1 = db.child(user['localId']).child("Food").child(Chosen_food_1).get().val()
                        carbs_1 = (((((carb_100_1[Chosen_food_1])/100)*1000)*Amount_food_1)+((((carb_100[Chosen_food])/100)*1000)*Amount_food))
                        Test_1_1 = Matlab_Calc(amount_of_peoples, weight_1, carbs_1, time)
                        if Test_1_1 == 'YES GOOD YES EAT':
                            st.success("You can eat "+str(Amount_food)+" grams of "+Chosen_food+" and "+str(Amount_food_1)+" grams of "+Chosen_food_1)
                            st.error("You cannot eat "+str(Amount_food)+" grams of "+Chosen_food+" and "+str(Amount_food_1)+" grams of "+Chosen_food_1)
                    if Add_food_1:
                        Chosen_food_2 = st.selectbox("Select third food you want to eat",data_pd_1)
                        Amount_food_2 = st.number_input("grams of "+Chosen_food_2+" you want to eat  ")
                        Select_food_2 = st.button("Calculate all food items")
                        if Select_food_2 and weight_1 != None:
                            carb_100 = db.child(user['localId']).child("Food").child(Chosen_food).get().val()
                            carb_100_1 = db.child(user['localId']).child("Food").child(Chosen_food_1).get().val()
                            carb_100_2 = db.child(user['localId']).child("Food").child(Chosen_food_2).get().val()
                            carbs_2 = (((((carb_100_1[Chosen_food_1])/100)*1000)*Amount_food_1)+((((carb_100[Chosen_food])/100)*1000)*Amount_food)+((((carb_100_2[Chosen_food_2])/100)*1000)*Amount_food_2))
                            Test_1_2 = Matlab_Calc(amount_of_peoples, weight_1, carbs_2, time)
                            if Test_1_2 == 'YES GOOD YES EAT':
                                st.success("You can eat "+str(Amount_food)+" grams of "+Chosen_food+" and "+str(Amount_food_1)+" grams of "+Chosen_food_1+" and "+str(Amount_food_2)+" grams of "+Chosen_food_2)
                                st.error("You cannot eat "+str(Amount_food)+" grams of "+Chosen_food+" and "+str(Amount_food_1)+" grams of "+Chosen_food_1+" and "+str(Amount_food_2)+" grams of "+Chosen_food_2)
            elif db.child(user['localId']).child("Food").get().val() is None and db.child(user['localId']).child("Weight").get().val() is not None:
      'Please add food')
            elif db.child(user['localId']).child("Weight").get().val() is None and db.child(user['localId']).child("Food").get().val() is not None :
      'Please add your weight in the base settings')
            elif db.child(user['localId']).child("Weight").get().val() is None and db.child(user['localId']).child("Food").get().val() is None:
      'Please add your weight in the base settings')
      'Please add food')

Hi @Jeroen_Frieling ,

Welcome to the Streamlit community forum :balloon:
If Iā€™m not wrong, we ( @andfanilo ) spoke about this error before .
Thank you for the code snippet. I went through it quickly, I donā€™t see any issue with session state initializing (though Iā€™ve not tried it!)
I would like to request you to try session state code snippet from the Streamlit doc . Does that work for you?


Iā€™ve already tried the snippet of code from the streamlit doc. Iā€™m starting to think it might have something to do with my streamlit version or something like that, since I havenā€™t been able to find any other type of code to do this.

Thanks for all the help,

Hey Jeroen ,

So, does that work for you ?

Hey Avra,

Nope it doesnā€™t work :sweat:

In that case, please paste here with the error message. And also the streamlit version you are working with . It be helpful to identify your issue and reproduce it.

Iā€™m certain someone from the community can help you outšŸŽˆ

(Cc @andfanilo )


Iā€™m using the latest version of streamlit, so 1.3.0 and the error that I got is KeyError: 'st.session_state has no key ā€œload_stateā€. Did you forget to initialize it?

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