Streamlit not getting AWS public IP

Thank you so much Randy. It worked!!!

This is what I have done to solve the issue:

  1. Connect to EC2 instance
  2. Login to Windows VM
  3. In the bottom-left corner of the window, Just right next to the Windows Start icon, there is a search icon, click it.
  4. Type firewall
  5. Click check firewall status
  6. Click the advanced setting
  7. Scroll down and click the inbound rule
  8. On the left panel, right click the Inbound Rules
  9. Click new rule
  10. Create an inbound rule by filling in the protocol type with TCP, port numer: 8501…

Find my public IP in EC2 console:
In the browser, type
And it connected to the streamlit app that I ran in the server.

It worked!!!

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