Hi @Artemis,
Well, you can do something like this:
import streamlit as st
if "btnval" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.btnval = None
if "mylist" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.mylist = ["a", "b", "c"]
def toggle_btns(vip):
if vip in st.session_state.mylist and st.session_state.btnval == True: st.session_state.mylist.remove(vip)
if vip not in st.session_state.mylist and st.session_state.btnval == False: st.session_state.mylist.append(vip)
st.session_state.txtel = ""
def Callback(): st.session_state.btnval = not st.session_state.btnval
txtip = st.text_input("Element for list", value="", key="txtel", on_change=Callback)
if txtip != "":
st.session_state.btnval = True if txtip in st.session_state.mylist else False
cols = st.columns((2,2,10))
cols[0].button("Add", on_click=toggle_btns, args=(txtip,), disabled=st.session_state.btnval)
cols[1].button("Del", on_click=toggle_btns, args=(txtip,), disabled=not st.session_state.btnval)
st.info(f"Currently mylist contains: {st.session_state.mylist}")
- The list initializes with 3 elements: a, b, c. This can be seen in the blue band at the bottom.
- If you enter any element on the list, you get an option to delete that element
- If you enter any element that is not on the list, you get an option to add that element
You can modify the code to change the logic as you wish.