Access the edited text from st.textarea


Iโ€™m very new to streamlit library. Currently, Iโ€™m building OCR application with streamlit. My current flow is that the output of OCR is shown at the textarea and I want to edit the wrong characters from OCR output. Then I want to download the OCR output as a document file so I used with download button. My current problem is that the OCR output text I edited at the textarea is not updated at the downloaded file. Only the unedited previous (original) OCR output is downloaded.

Steps to reproduce

Code snippet:

output = st.text_area("Output is: ", text, height=200) ## the value of the text came from ocr function and u can assume it as some random value; then I wanted to edit the character from this text area 

st.download_button(label="Download data as docx", data=output, file_name='output.docx', mime='docx') ## I want to download the output of the text area from download_button and I also want to edit the text area and want to get the edited text when I downloaded

Expected behavior:

I want to download the output of the text area from download_button and I also want to edit the text area and want to get the edited text when I downloaded

Actual behavior:

Only the original ocr output is downloaded from the download_button although I edited it. The value of the text area is not updated when downloaded.

Debug info

  • Streamlit version: latest(get it with $ streamlit version)
  • Python version: 3.10(get it with $ python --version)
  • Using PipEnv?
  • OS version: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Browser version: Chrome

I cannot reproduce the problem. The downloaded file always contains the same text as the text area.

If you want to reproduce the code, here is the sample code.

import streamlit as st
from PIL import Image

st.markdown("<h2 style='text-align: center'>For OCR app</h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
image = st.file_uploader("Upload Image",type=['jpg','png','jpeg','JPG'])

col1, col2 = st.columns(2)

if image is not None:
    with col1:
        input_image = #read image
        width, height = input_image.size
        st.image(input_image, caption="Input Image is: ") #display image
        extract_button = st.button("Extract text")

        if extract_button:
            with col2:
                text = "OCR text with a lot of errors and need to edit it "
                output = st.text_area("Output is: ", text, height=220)
                st.download_button(label="Download data as docx", data=output, file_name='output.docx', mime='docx')
                st.success('Text Extraction Completed!')

    st.write("Upload an Image")

You will need to upload some image and need to click the button called Extract. Then you will see the text area box with OCR text with a lot of errors and need to edit it. What I wanna do is that I want to edit the text inside text area.

Then, I want to edit the text inside the text area like that

Normally, when I edit the text inside the text area, I need to press ctrl+enter to update the value of the text area. But with my current code flow, the text area part disappeared when I pressed ctrl+enter.
I need to download the text file with edited text. How can I do that to achieve this?

After you edit to the text area, extract_button becomes False and you no longer have a text area nor a download button and nothing is downloaded. You can try something like this instead.

extract_button = st.button("Extract text")
if extract_button:
    st.session_state["text"] = "OCR text with a lot of errors and need to edit it "

if "text" in st.session_state:
    st.text_area("Output is: ", key="text", height=220)
        label="Download data as docx",
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I am facing a issue . When I am clicking on Download data as docx without editing the text , the file is downloaded on one click . But when I am editing the text , I need to click twice on Download data as docx button to download the edited text file . Can you please provide me a solution for this ?

Unfortunately no, I canโ€™t. Looks like a regression in streamlit to me. I would have noticed if this happened at the time I posted my answer.