Add scrolling to 3 columns

##I have created 3 columns to display images, 1st column shows images from one list, 2nd column is left blank to create a vertical space, while 3rd column shows images from second list.
Now as I have 50 images in each list, it take a lot of time to scroll up and down, so i want to add a scrolling functionality such that i can scroll all columns as whole inside a container, have tried container as well but nothings seems to work

Here is code snippet of fun i am using

def image_two_col(col1_df, col2_df):
    col_1 = col1_df["filepath"].tolist()
    col_2 = col2_df["filepath"].tolist()

    col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([5, 0.5, 5])

    with col1:
        st.subheader("COL1 NAME")
        for image_file in col_1:
                # caption=image_file.split("/")[-1],

    with col2:

    with col3:
        st.subheader("COL2 NAME")
        for image_file in col_2:
                # caption=image_file.split("/")[-1],

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks in advance

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