Adding messages to the session state on button click

I am trying to run a method on button_click which would create summary by LLM:

async def reflection():
st.write(“Reflection messages”)

if "messages" in st.session_state:
    st.write("There are messages in the session state")

last_message = st.session_state.messages[-1]

if last_message.type == "ai":
    with st.chat_message("human"):
        message = "Provide detailed summary of the user's requirements."

last_message = st.session_state.last_message

But, when the code reaches st.chat_message(“human”), I am getting:
streamlit.errors.StreamlitAPIException: Chat messages cannot nested inside other chat messages.

Can someone please suggest how can I add human message and pass it again to LLM for response and store it as feedback?

Not sure, but i got some problem with append and session_state.
i will suggest, just to try if it’s working to try adding to a variable :

st.session_state['message'] = LIST['MESSAGE']