After exiting the full screen of plotly_chart graph does not reset to its original size


I have created a line plot using plotly-chart and after opening the chart in full screen if I exit the full screen mode, chart does not reset to its original size. This behaviour observed on Edge and Chrome browser.

Steps to reproduce

Code snippet:

with st.container():
            col1, = st.columns(1)
        #col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
            fig = px.line(df[df['country'] == country], 
                x = "year", y = "gdpPercap",title = "GDP per Capita")
            col1.plotly_chart(fig,use_container_width = True)
        with st.container():
            col1, = st.columns(1)
            fig = px.line(df[df['country'] == country], 
                x = "year", y = "pop",title = "Population Growth")
            col1.plotly_chart(fig,use_container_width = True)

Hi @mohammad_atif :wave:

This looks like a known issue that was fixed on Nov 3rd:

The fix available in the latest streamlit-nightly. I’m unsure if we’ll do a patch release with the fix this week or wait until the next 1.15.0 release later in the month. If there’s a patch release, I will follow up in this thread. Until then, you’ll have to install and use streamlit-nightly instead.

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