Ag-Grid formatting floating point values

Before using I was able to set decimals as shown below

format_dict = {f: "{:,.2f}" for f in fields}

How can I limit number of decimals when I use Ag-Grid.
Thank you.

Hi @kannaiah

You could try the this when configuring the column in AGgrid:

gb = GridOptionsBuilder.from_dataframe(df) # where df = your dataframe ref variable
gb.configure_column(YourColumnNameHeader, type=[“numericColumn”,“numberColumnFilter”,“customNumericFormat”], precision=1)


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This worked for columns with floating point values.

I have a column with a list, and this did not affect that column


Hi @kannaiah

Then I think you will need to use list comprehension on each value of the data frame column before passing the data frame to aggrid


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