All-NaN slice encountered Error message

Hi i have an error message that I do not understand in Terminal screen. I do not have this error message while using jupyter. It appears when I use Streamlit it seems whereas my program seems to work fine.

Any ideas ?


It is:
All-NaN slice encountered

2023-03-25 18:42:55.222 Serialization of dataframe to Arrow table was unsuccessful due to: (“Expected bytes, got a ‘float’ object”, ‘Conversion failed for column Amiral Actions Secteur Financier with type object’). Applying automatic fixes for column types to make the dataframe Arrow-compatible.
/Users/jacques/opt/anaconda3/envs/data/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning:

All-NaN slice encountered

2023-03-25 18:42:58.946 Serialization of dataframe to Arrow table was unsuccessful due to: (“Expected bytes, got a ‘float’ object”, ‘Conversion failed for column Amiral Actions Secteur Financier with type object’). Applying automatic fixes for column types to make the dataframe Arrow-compatible.

Have a look on this guide, it might help us help you solve your issue.

I am sorry but I can’t see how the link you sent to me could help me…


1 Like

Item 1

After pressing the search button.

Item 2

has this been resolved? I get this error

Serialization of dataframe to Arrow table was unsuccessful due to: (“Expected bytes, got a ‘float’ object”, ‘Conversion failed for column 2 with type object’). Applying automatic fixes for column types to make the dataframe Arrow-compatible.

And I have checked all my dtypes and everything seems working find

date datetime64[ns]
Year int64
Month int64
Month Name object
Day int64
Channel object
Show Match object
Video Title object
Youtube Revenue float64
estimated_partner_revenue float64
views int64
Total Watch Hour float64
Average View Duration float64
estimated_cpm float64
average_view_duration_percentage float64
published_at datetime64[ns]

this does not cause my app to crash or run poorly just a head scratcher

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