I’m implementing altair in streamlit and I want to use zoom, pan function. When I looked at various posts, I found that some of the features are possible and others are not. Is this because of the version difference? Please tell me what to do if I want to zoom in or zoom out through the mouse.
Hi @eric_l
Yes, Altair has documentations for both versions 5 (https://altair-viz.github.io/) and 4 (Vega-Altair: Declarative Visualization in Python — Altair 4.2.2 documentation) where there are differences in implementations of plots.
As for implementing the zoom/pan functionalities, you can append interactive()
as a suffix to your plot.
Please see the following code snippet as an example:
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
source = data.cars()
chart = alt.Chart(source).mark_circle().encode(
st.altair_chart(chart, theme=None, use_container_width=True)
The above code snippet was repurposed from this Docs: st.altair_chart - Streamlit Docs
Hope this helps!
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