Antd components stopped rendering after deployment

Hey there!
I just discovered Streamlit-antd-components -
They are pretty awesome!
Here are the issues I am currently facing with them -

  1. If I use Streamlit version 1.32.0, the antd Menu doesn’t render on screen (no errors).

  2. When I am trying on local host, it’s rendering well, but deployed version doesn’t render the antd button components. I checked the versions of all dependent libraries, that doesn’t seem to be the issue. Any suggestions on how I can fix this?

Thanks in advance!


(Nothing there :p)

Hi @Manas_Swami,

Thanks for sharing this question!

That’s interesting. I haven’t used the component, yet. Have you seen any other apps deployed to Streamlit Community Cloud using the component in the same way and functioning?

Hi Tony, sorry for the late response. I ended up using Streamlit buttons and modifying them through CSS, because this component seemed unreliable. :slight_smile:

Cool. Thanks for getting back on this and gald you got it working.

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