App stuck when deploying

I have streamlit app which works fine locally. But deployment is not successful in the streamlit cloud. It is stuck in the oven page with below logs.

I would appreciate any help that I can get.

[ UTC ] Logs for


[02:49:17] :desktop_computer: Provisioning machine…

[02:49:23] :control_knobs: Preparing system…

[02:49:28] :chains: Spinning up manager process…

[02:49:35] :balloon: Inflating balloons…

[02:49:42] :open_book: Unpacking Comic Sans RAR files…

[02:49:49] :construction: Loading “Under construction” GIF…

[02:49:56] :hammer_and_wrench: Compiling tags…

[02:50:03] :fax: Initializing Java applet…

[02:50:10] :hourglass_flowing_sand: Please wait…

Can you share the GitHub repo so we can try to reproduce the issue?

Thank you Caroline. The issue have been resolved and I could successfully deploy the app to the streamlit cloud.

I have the same issue here.
Here’s the link to my repo.

Ok, but how did you resolve the issue?

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