Bar chart with dates mismatch

Hopefully this is the right spot, I have a df here


I am putting this into a bar chart with dates on the X and the profits on the Y. You can see on the next screenshot that the chart shows the 3/4 profit for 3/3 on the chart. The chart actually skips 3/3 altogether as everything is a day off. And if you zoom in it shows times like 5am, etc. I’m not sure what I am doing wrong here.

def dailyProfit(start_date, end_date):
    d1 = df.loc[( >= start_date) & ( <= end_date)]

    test = pd.DataFrame(d1[['BET_ID', 'BET_NET_PROFIT', 'BET_DATE']], index=d1['BET_ID'])
    d4 = test.set_index(test['BET_ID'])['BET_NET_PROFIT'].groupby(test['BET_DATE']
    #d4 = test.set_index('BET_ID')
    values = dailyProfit(mar_start_date, mar_end_date)


I’m sure I am screwing something up but just cant figure it out.

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