I tried so many methods and none of it work. Somehow the checkbox never unchecks completely.
def reset_matrix():
state.matrix = {'c1': [0, 0, ], 'c2': [0, 0]}
matrix = state.matrix
steps = 2
for row, column in matrix.items(): # {'Row1': [False, False, ..]}
cols = st.columns([0.25] + [0.75] * steps)
for i in range(steps):
hex_label = f'{i:01X}' # Ensure the label is always a 1-character hexadecimal value
key = f'{row}_{i}'
column[i] = cols[i + 1].checkbox(label=hex_label, value=column[i], key=key, label_visibility='hidden')
# Add a button that resets the beat matrix
if st.button('Cleanup sequencer'):
I tried to manually set all checkbox to False by state key and I get streamlit exception cannot modify widget after instantiated.
def reset_matrix():
state.matrix = {'c1': [0, 0, ], 'c2': [0, 0]}
state.update({f'{row}_{i}': False for row in state.matrix for i in range(2)})
This thing is so annoying. It such a simple problem that somehow persisted for over 5 years.
I still got some bad behaviour with the session state (we need to press sometimes twice the reset button)
# Define checkbox keys
checkbox_keys = ['button', 'button2', 'button3', 'button4']
# Initialize session state for checkboxes if not already done
for key in checkbox_keys:
if key not in st.session_state:
st.session_state[key] = False
# Function to reset checkboxes
def reset_checkboxes():
for key in checkbox_keys:
st.session_state[key] = False
# Create a container for checkboxes
with st.container():
# Calculate the number of columns needed
num_cols = 2 # You can change this to adjust the layout
num_rows = (len(checkbox_keys) + num_cols - 1) // num_cols
# Create a grid layout of checkboxes
for row in range(num_rows):
cols = st.columns(num_cols)
for col in range(num_cols):
idx = row * num_cols + col
if idx < len(checkbox_keys):
key = checkbox_keys[idx]
# Display the checkbox and update session state
st.session_state[key] = cols[col].checkbox(key, key=f"checkbox_{key}", value=st.session_state[key])
# Reset button
if st.button('Reset', on_click=reset_checkboxes):
Hope it’s what you are looking for !
I got this error because the key and the value are the same. Fix by changing the key name.
My current fix basically does a hard reset on every action. Weird behavior is that every first click will not be registered. At least the button works
def reset_checkbox():
Instantiate the key BEFORE YOU CREATE WIDGET. Then assign widget to key so you can reset it anytime
for row, lst in state.matrix.items():
for i in range(len(lst)):
key = f'{row}_{i}'
if key not in state:
state[key] = False
state[key] = False
def reset_matrix():
state.matrix = init_dict()
def seq_part():
Experimental fragment bc we doing a lot of request inside the checkbox so we isolating it as fragment
# Add a button that resets the matrix
if st.button('Cleanup sequencer'):
matrix = state.matrix
steps = 16
for row, lst in matrix.items(): # {'row1': [False, False, ..]}
cols = st.columns([1] * steps)
for i in range(steps):
hex_label = f'{i:01X}' # Ensure the label is always a 1-character hexadecimal value
key = f'{row}_{i}'
sequence[i] = cols[i + 1].checkbox(label=hex_label, value=lst[i], key=key, label_visibility='hidden')
state.matrix = matrix
# app part