Buttons in columns rearranged in vertical positions in mobile

Why are these buttons inside 3 columns in the sidebar rearranged in the vertical position in mobile? It makes the mobile app look less nicer and less user friendlier than the desktop one

Here is the code

import streamlit as st

def delete_conversation_button(container):

def upload_conversation_button(container):
    with container:
        with st.popover("⬆️"):
            st.file_uploader("**Upload Conversation**",
    st.session_state['enter'] = True

def download_conversation_button(container):
    text_contents = '''This is some text'''
    container.download_button("⬇️️", text_contents)

with st.sidebar:
    col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 1, 1])

    if 'enter' in st.session_state and st.session_state['enter']:


Here is what I see in desktop

They appear in 3 columns as they should

Here is what I see in mobile

For some reason they get rearranged vertically

Because the screen is not wide enough to arrange then horizontally. It is not the buttons but the columns themselves that are being vertically stacked.

Ah I see. Thanks for the quick reply

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