Hi all,
I am making a Streamlit app for simple permission management of an SQL database.
In this app I have some functions doing SQL queries (adding and deleting rows in the database) when a button is pressed. Problem is these buttons execute my add/remove functions at startup and during runtime. This should only be done when performed by the user!
Example button and function.
userID is picked from a st.selectbox
df is generated from a st.multiselect list
def update_Usergroup(userID, df):
eng = makeConnection() # sqlalchemy create engine function
st.success('update_Usergroup is run')
query = f"""DELETE FROM Users_Usergroups_Comb
WHERE UserID = {userID};
# write to Users_Usergroups_Comb table with no index and appending the dataframe to the DB
df.to_sql('Users_Usergroups_Comb',con=eng, index = False, if_exists = 'append')
st.button('Save updated usersgroups', on_click = update_Usergroup(userID, membership))
How can I control the app such that on_click is not executed automatically?
Thanks in advance!