Streamlit hangs (no output, can only be killed) when I apply @st.cache
decorator to function that returns matplotlib
Caching works for matplotlib
Steps to reproduce
This snippet demonstrates the issue here:
import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot():
arr = np.random.normal(1, 1, size=100)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.hist(arr, bins=20)
return fig
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Hello @StefanBrand, welcome to the community!
Regarding caching Matplotlib figures, I think I saw something similar here: st.cache doesn't work with matplotlib.pyplot (InternalHashError: 'Spines' object does not contain a 'name' spine) · Issue #3100 · streamlit/streamlit · GitHub
Taking from my linked answer, you can prevent hashing the Matplotlib objects and still have the output stored with:
import matplotlib
@st.cache(hash_funcs={matplotlib.figure.Figure: lambda _: None})
def mk_figure
There are some Matplotlib objects that contain a lot of objects (I suppose spines contain a list of points to display) so maybe you need to apply some specific hashing functions to those.
Hope it guides you
Thank you very much for the pointer. I didn’t get that there is a GitHub repo. I didn’t see a link there on
No worries, here is actually the best place for this kind of questions
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