Hello Everyone and thank you for this great lib and your support!
I wrote an app that downloads a dataset using certain API and shows the results on a streamlit dashboard.
All data are stored into a pandas DataFrame (let’s call it DATA).
get_return() is the function I use to download these data and is decorated with @st.cache since it takes quite a while to run.
The dashboard has two widgets:
a Dates Range selector (date_input) which is used as a parameter of get_return() and hence should re-run get_return() every time a new value is chosen. This works fine.
a slider which is used to filter the data in the DATA. I am expecting this slider to not re-run get_return() everytime a new value is set. On the contrary it keeps re-running this expensive function every time. I tried to create a deep copy of DATA and filter on the copy, but it does not fix the issue.
Here is my code:
#Initialize dataset
with st.spinner('Loading Description'):
des = dataset.get_text()
#Calendar Selector.
start = st.date_input('Start Date', value=dataset.get_last_trading_day() - datetime.timedelta(days=1),
min_value = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=60),
max_value= datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=1))
end = st.date_input('End Date',min_value= start + datetime.timedelta(days=1),
max_value = datetime.datetime.today(),
value= dataset.get_last_trading_day())
start_ = str(start) + 'T09:30:00-04:00'
end_ = str(end) + 'T09:30:00-04:00'
with st.spinner('Downloading returns for selected dates range. This may take a while'):
des_ret = get_returns(des, start=start_, end=end_)
new_des = des_ret.copy(deep=True)
#Slider to Allow the selection of the quantile to show data for
quantile = st.slider('Quantile',min_value=1, max_value=5,step=1,value=5)
text = new_des.loc[new_des.quant==quantile-1]#.des.values
st.dataframe(new_des) #shows dataframe function