Caching with class variables


Wanting to know if thereā€™s a way to cache method results when the methods are part of a class and rely on class variables.

Steps to reproduce

Code snippet:

class TestClass(object):
    def __init__(self, test_var):
        self.test_var = test_var

    def var_plus_one(self):
        return self.test_var + 1

test_class_a = TestClass(2)

test_class_b = TestClass(10)

Expected behavior:

Ideally this would print 3, then 3 and then 11. The second print of ā€œ3ā€ should not have to re-run and would be cached instead.

Basically if a method doesnā€™t have any of its input variables OR the classā€™s attributes changed, it would use the cached version. Similarly, if we create a new class, it should definitely re-run with a new attribute and whether it re-runs with the same attribute (for example, test_class_b = TestClass(2) above) is debatable - I donā€™t need it to re-run in my case, but I can image there are times when it might need to re-run.

Actual behavior:

I get an error when trying to run this.

Additional information

If this isnā€™t possible currently, Iā€™m wondering if the best way to cache is to move the methods outside of the class (then it becomes a balancing act between whether itā€™s better to have caching or OOP for each case).

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That should be covered by functools.cache.

This is my first attempt at really using caching, so I might not be fully grasping your idea of using functools.cache:

  • If that exists and does basically the same thing as st.expiremental_memo, why did streamlit even come up with their own version - Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s some difference?
  • Is there a similar functools method that deals with singletons?

On cache hits, st.experimental_memo returns a new object each time you call the function, so mutating the returned object does not affect the cached one. It also offers ttl, max_entries and integration with Streamlit widgets.

I donā€™t understand what you mean by a similar method that deals with singletons.

@msquaredds What needs to happen is that the streamlit cache needs to recognize the argument self (which has type TestClass) as a cacheable type of argument. Here are ways to make an object of that class register as cacheable ā€“ you can either make it a frozen dataclass, or add a __reduce__ method on the class. Either of these works fine.

from dataclasses import dataclass

import streamlit as st

class TestClass:
    test_var: int

    def var_plus_one(self):
        return self.test_var + 1

test_class_a = TestClass(2)

test_class_b = TestClass(10)

class TestClass2:
    def __init__(self, test_var):
        self.test_var = test_var

    def __reduce__(self):
        return TestClass2, (self.test_var,)

    def var_plus_one(self):
        return self.test_var + 1

test_class_a2 = TestClass2(2)

test_class_b2 = TestClass2(10)

Interesting, thank you @Goyo and @blackary for the help, I think I understand a little better now.

@Goyo the experimental_memo use case makes sense to me now. What I meant by singletons is that streamlit also has experimental_singleton - can functools.cache be applied in the same way to deal with functions that return something like a DB connection (I havenā€™t played around with it yet but it wasnā€™t clear to me from the description)?

Well, in that sense functools.cache is more akin to st.experimental_singleton than to st.experimental_memo, because it caches by reference (it returns the very same object that was cached, not a copy of it)), so I guess you can use it to cache a db connection.

Indeed I couldnā€™t tell that just from looking at the docs, I had to actually try.

Got it, that makes sense, thanks!

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