Callback st.form_submit_button


I’m using the st.form component through a modal (from streamlit_modal import Modal), and it has a st.text_input, when I put a method for the button’s callback, it doesn’t get the information typed in the text_input, what can I do? wrong ?

Steps to reproduce

Code snippet:

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_modal import Modal
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
import pyodbc
import pandas as pd

def filtros(dtde,dtate,cliente,cidade,estado,vendedor,transp,ranking):
      st.session_state.rankingvendas = ranking
      sql = ""
      sql = sql + " and between '{} 00:00:00' and '{} 23:59:00'".format(dtde, dtate)
      if cliente != "":
          sql = sql + " and TB01008_nome like '{}%' ".format(cliente)
      if cidade != "": 
         sql = sql + " and TB00012_cidade = '{}' ".format(cidade)
      if estado != "[Todos]": 
         sql = sql + " and TB00012_estado = '{}' ".format(estado)
      if vendedor != "[Todos]": 
         sql = sql + " and tb01006_nome = '{}' ".format(vendedor) 
      if transp != "[Todos]": 
         sql = sql + " and tb01009_nome = '{}' ".format(transp) 
      st.session_state.filtrovendas += sql 

def abrirmodal():
    modal = Modal("Controle de Vendas", 0, 5, 800) 
    if modal.is_open():
        with modal.container():
             frm = st.form("Filtros") 
             with frm:
                 now =
                 col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([0.25, 0.25, 0.50])
                 with col1:
                     dtde = st.date_input("Periodo de Vendas de:", value=now - timedelta(days=365))
                 with col2:    
                     dtate = st.date_input("Periodo de Vendas até :", value=now)
                 with col3:       
                     ranking = st.slider("Ranking (Gráfico)", 5, 15, st.session_state.rankingvendas)    
                 col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([0.50, 0.30, 0.20])
                 with col1:
                     cliente = st.text_input("Nome do Cliente :", placeholder="Digite o nome")
                 with col2:    
                     cidade = st.text_input("Cidade :", placeholder="Digite a Cidade")
                 with col3:       
                     estado = st.selectbox("UF :",
                 listavendedor = listar_vendedor() 
                 vendedor = st.selectbox("Selecione o Vendedor :",listavendedor);

                 listatransp = listar_transp()
                 transp = st.selectbox("Selecione a Transportadora :",listatransp);

def listar_vendedor():
    conexao = ("Driver={SQL Server};Server=localhost;Database=Dataclassic;UID=sa;PWD=sidney;") 
    dados = pyodbc.connect(conexao)
    cursor = dados.cursor()
    sql = """
          select '[Todos]'
          select tb01006_nome as nome from tb01006 where tb01006_situacao = 'A' and tb01006_nome is not null 
          order by 1 """
    valores = cursor.fetchall()
    tabela = pd.DataFrame.from_records(valores)
    return tabela

def listar_transp():
    conexao = ("Driver={SQL Server};Server=localhost;Database=Dataclassic;UID=sa;PWD=sidney;") 
    dados = pyodbc.connect(conexao)
    cursor = dados.cursor()
    sql = """
          select '[Todos]'
          select tb01009_nome as nome from tb01009 where tb01009_inativo = 'N' and tb01009_nome is not null 
          order by 1 """
    valores = cursor.fetchall()
    tabela = pd.DataFrame.from_records(valores)
    return tabela

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