I am trying to get the dynamic update feature of streamlit-image-coordinates to work inside a form (user can select a location which will be logged upon submission). The code I am trying to use is as follows:
def selectLocation():
if “point” not in st.session_state:
st.session_state[“point”] = [None, None]
def get_ellipse_coords(point: tuple[int, int]) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
center = point
radius = 10
return (
center[0] - radius,
center[1] - radius,
center[0] + radius,
center[1] + radius,
img = Image.open("plotplan.png")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
# Draw an ellipse at each coordinate in points
point = st.session_state["point"]
if point != [None, None]:
coords = get_ellipse_coords(point)
draw.ellipse(coords, fill="red")
value = streamlit_image_coordinates(img, key="pil")
if value is not None:
point = value["x"], value["y"]
if point != st.session_state["point"]:
st.session_state["point"] = point
This works if I run it in a standalone page, but it stops working if I run the function inside a form. Please let me know if there are any fixes/workarounds or if this isn’t possible with the current version.