Cannot save streamlit app as HTML

I want to export my streamlit app as a report. I have been to many posts to see how i can do this.

  1. I have tried to print and save streamlit app as pdf but the pdf looked nothing like the webpage there is alot of awkward spacing.
  2. I have also tried to Save as HTML by right-click but the HTML produced was always blank

Please help! I might need to change to other packages if this doesnt work out

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Hi @minhnguyen168,

Thanks for posting! Unfortunately, there isn’t a great way to save your app as an HTML file, but this thread has some suggestions and there’s an open GitHub Issue here for this feature enhancement.


Hi @minhnguyen168
Here is a new method to save streamlit app as an HTML :heart_eyes:

I found some discussion for you to conquer your problem:
Add support for sharing static apps to a local folder: Static App Support
Export to standalone HTML file: HTML Standalone

I hope these discussions will help you in finding your answer in an easy way.
Thank you

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