I am new to streamlit, actually just started today so i am sorry if this is obvious but i wasn’t able to figure it out by searching.
I am trying to work around css and html codes and i have ran into some problems. for now my main concern is changing background color.
using components.html and markdown i was able to display css/html code but any try at changing background results in this:
Going into wide mode only makes the box bigger but it doesn’t cover the whole page.
This is the last css code i used.
body {
background-color: lightgrey;
I would also like to know if it’s possible to combine python with html and css, something like this:
streamlit.markdown(f"<h3>Today is:{streamlit.write(str(date.today()))}</h3>",unsafe_allow_html=True)
the code above shows todays date in first line and in second it shows:“Today is:None”