Causal Reasoning in Machine Learning - Epidemiology Case Study

Hello Everyone!

During the last few months, I have been working on a project called “Causal Reasoning in Machine Learning” which I open-sourced yesterday.

As part of this project, I created an advanced Streamlit dashboard with a large number of features. This dashboard is currently deployed on AWS and has Docker Support.

The report and video demonstration about the project can be found here: Causal Reasoning In Machine Learning | Pier Paolo Ippolito
The Epidemic Modelling Dashboard can instead be found here:

I hope you will enjoy the dashboard, I think is an amazing example of what it is possible to create using Streamlit!


This is a cool project.

Can you share more information on your AWS deployment?

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Hi @mlr07! When working on the project, I didn’t write down a step by step guide in order to deploy a Streamlit dashboard on AWS, although I followed to some extent a similar approach to what was done in this article.
