Hello all!
I have an app running locally and deployed. When I make a chart:
chart = (
x=alt.X("emissions", type="quantitative", title="g CO2e Emitted / MJ"),
y=alt.Y("Farm", type="nominal", title="Farm").sort("-x"),
color=alt.Color("emissions_type", type="nominal", legend=alt.Legend(title=None, orient="right")),
order=alt.Order("emissions_type", sort="descending"),
st.altair_chart(chart, use_container_width=True)
It accurately makes a chart, but the legend is missing one of the bars (light green):
When I increase the height, the light green bar is included in the legend, but then the x axis title is cut off:
Is there a way to fix this? I’d like to just have the regular plot with the full legend without adjusting the height but I am also fine with just adjusting height if the x axis does not get cut off.
Streamlit version = 1.31.1