Checkbox doesnt work inside if condition

st.checkbox doesn’t work properly

I have defined a checkbox which doesnt work inside the if condition.

Code snippet:

show1 = st.checkbox("Just show what you have",key = 'one_res')
      if show1:
          df2 = style_df(df_pred)
      st.write("after clicking") 

Expected behavior:
when the checkbox is initially defined , the value of variable show1 is False. as soon as its clicked, show1 becomes True and hence we should be inside the IF block and therefore I should be able to display the dataframe.

Actual behavior:
Instead, the whole code (even inside of IF block) runs altogether and when I click the checkbox, the whole page reloads.

I am attaching the pics for more clarity.

Hey @nikhiljha97,

By default, Streamlit reruns your app when someone interacts with a widget. That seems like the behavior you’re describing here. To prevent part of your code from rerunning, you can use caching or a batch input widgets together in a form.

Hey @Caroline .
The st.form didn’t work. Here is my code snippet for the reference. Even now, as soon as I click on form button, the if block doesnt executes and the page reloads.

                        with st.form("Show what you have"):
                            #show1 = st.checkbox("Just show what you have",key = 'one_res')
                            df2 = style_df(df_pred)
                            submit = st.form_submit_button("Submit")
                            if submit:
# =============================================================================
#                             #st.write(df_pred.duplicated())
#                                 df_pred.drop(index=[1,2],inplace=True)
#                             #st.write(df_pred.duplicated())
#                                 df_pred.set_index('Strain',inplace=True)
#                             #st.write(df_pred)
#                                 df2 = style_df(df_pred)
# =============================================================================
                                st.write("after clicking") 

Hi @Caroline . I was able to solve the above issue using Callback
But now I have come across altogether a different issue - as soon as I get the output dataframe on submitting my form , my main page reloads with the header getting displayed at the bottom.

I am attaching the code and the screenshot for reference.

import streamlit as st 
import base64
import os 
import openai
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from dotenv import load_dotenv

def header(url):
         f'<p style="color:#00308F;font-size:60px;font-weight: bold; font-family: fantasy; font-stretch: extra-expanded; font-style: italic">{url}</p>', unsafe_allow_html=True)

def configure():

def get_img_as_base64(file):
    with open(file, "rb") as f:
        data =
    return base64.b64encode(data).decode()

def style_df(df):
    df['Rating'] = df['Rating'].astype(float)
    df_pred['Rating'] = df_pred['Rating'].map("{:,.1f}".format)                
       # style
    th_props = [
         ('font-size', '20px'),
         ('text-align', 'center'),
         ('font-weight', 'bold'),
         ('color', '#FF0000'),
         ('background-color', '#f7ffff'),
    td_props = [
         ('font-size', '16x'),
    #                 ('font-weight', 'bold'),
         ('color', '#FF0000'),
    table_hover = [
         ('background-color', 'yellow')
    table_size = [
    styles = [
         dict(selector="th", props=th_props),
         dict(selector="td", props=td_props),
       # table**{'text-align':'left'}).set_table_styles(styles)
    return df2


st.set_page_config(page_title='Cannabis Strain Selector')
header("Cannabis Strain Recommendation System")

df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"cannabis.csv"))
df.replace(to_replace=['None'], value=np.nan, inplace=True)
df['Strain'] = df['Strain'].str.replace("-"," ")

flavor = (
        .rename('Unique Flavors')
        .sort_values('count', ascending=False, ignore_index=True)

effects = (
        .rename('Unique Effects')
        .sort_values('count', ascending=False, ignore_index=True)

flavor = list(flavor['index'])
effects = list(effects['index'])

img = get_img_as_base64("image.png")
side = get_img_as_base64("side.png")
page_bg_img = f"""
[data-testid="stAppViewContainer"] > .main {{
background-image: url("data:image/png;base64,{img}");;
background-position: center; 
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;
st.markdown(page_bg_img, unsafe_allow_html=True)

sidebar_bg_img = f"""
[data-testid="stSidebar"] > .css-6qob1r.e1fqkh3o3  {{
    background-image: url("data:image/png;base64,{side}");;
    background-position: 10% 80%;    
st.markdown(sidebar_bg_img, unsafe_allow_html=True)

def both_val_not_provided(url):
        f'<p style="color:#FF0000;font-size:30px;font-weight: bold; font-family: fantasy; font-stretch: extra-expanded; font-style: italic">{url}</p>', unsafe_allow_html=True)

button_with_flav_eff = st.button("Recommend top 3 strains",key='flav_eff')

df_pred = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Strain','Type','Rating','Description'],index=range(3))

def generate_response(prompt):
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    return response.choices[0].text

def app():
    flav = st.sidebar.multiselect(label = "Flavor",options = flavor,default=[])
    eff = st.sidebar.multiselect(label = "Effects", options = effects,default=[])
    if st.session_state.flav_eff==True:
        if flav==[] and eff==[]:
            both_val_not_provided("No option selected, select something")
        if flav!=[] and eff==[]:
            both_val_not_provided("Select Effect as well")
        if flav==[] and eff!=[]:
            both_val_not_provided("Select Flavor as well")
        if flav!=[] and eff!=[]:
            prompt = f"Generate 3 cannabis strains that has {flav} flavors and {eff} effects."
            response = generate_response(prompt)
            response = response.strip()
            response = [y for y in (x.strip() for x in response.splitlines()) if y]
            bool_first_fail = True
            bool_second_fail = True
            bool_third_fail = True
            bool_fourth_fail = True
            #finding if chatgpt gives any response
                response[0] = response[0].split(':')[0]
                response[0] = response[0].split('1. ')[1]
            except Exception:
                st.subheader("No strain available, change inputs!")
                bool_first_fail = False
            #only executed if chatgpt gives response
            if bool_first_fail:
                #find if the chatgpt's strain exists in our database
                    x = list(df['Strain'].eq(response[0]))
                    y = x.index(True) 
                except Exception:
                    st.subheader("Strain doesn't exist in our database, but chatgpt gave response.")
                    bool_second_fail = False
                # executed if atleast one response from chatgpt exists in our database and can be displayed
                if bool_second_fail:
                    #Saving the first reposnse in our database. 
                    df_pred.loc[df_pred.index[0], 'Strain'] = response[0]
                    df_pred.loc[df_pred.index[0], 'Type'] = df.iloc[y][1]
                    df_pred.loc[df_pred.index[0], 'Rating'] = df.iloc[y][2]
                    df_pred.loc[df_pred.index[0], 'Description'] = df.iloc[y][5]
                    #check if second response is given by chatgpt or not
                        response[1] = response[1].split(':')[0]
                        response[1] = response[1].split('2. ')[1]
                        x = list(df['Strain'].eq(response[1]))
                        y = x.index(True)
                        both_val_not_provided("I could find only 1 suggestion. Try again or just show one option ?")
                        st.write("before clicking")
                        def show_df():
                            df2 = style_df(df_pred)
                            return st.table(df2)
                        with st.form("Show what you have"):
                            submit = st.form_submit_button(on_click=show_df)

That’s how the page looks before I invoke the form

and thats how my page looks after invoking the form

As you can see , the title of the page somehow comes down after the form is clicked. Any idea why this might be happening ?

if you are able to solve page reload issue. please reply…i too have similar issue.Thanks

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