Click on st.metric to see a detailed view of the data

Hello Team,
I have a streamlit app that uses streamlit metric. I want to click on the metric to invoke a function to display a table relating to that metric.
how can that be made possible ?
example image


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Hey @sheneeb!

Thanks for trying out st.metric and welcome to the community! Thatโ€™s a feature we have on the roadmap (quite often people want to have this for clicking on tables or images) but canโ€™t give you any date for when weโ€™ll get to it. Iโ€™ll make sure we also think about st.metric when we work on this!

Cheers, Johannes

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Hey good day, has this been implemented now?

Hi @nabeelarshed, this has not been implemented, but feel free to create a product enhancement request here