Click on st.metric to see a detailed view of the data

Hello Team,
I have a streamlit app that uses streamlit metric. I want to click on the metric to invoke a function to display a table relating to that metric.
how can that be made possible ?
example image



Hey @sheneeb!

Thanks for trying out st.metric and welcome to the community! That’s a feature we have on the roadmap (quite often people want to have this for clicking on tables or images) but can’t give you any date for when we’ll get to it. I’ll make sure we also think about st.metric when we work on this!

Cheers, Johannes

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Hey good day, has this been implemented now?

Hi @nabeelarshed, this has not been implemented, but feel free to create a product enhancement request here

When will this be implemented? Clickable metric cards would be game changing!

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