Hello sports fan!
I’ve developed a bias-free algorithm to rank college football teams.
To those who are not familiar, unlike any other sport, college football team’s standings are not determined by win-percentage or points, but polls. Yes, that may seem strange, but it happens because there are hundreds of teams and very few games in a season (they cannot all face each other in the same season).
With polls, a lot of problems come along. Humans are biased, hype and fan-base size influence the pollsters and of course, politics and geography play a role.
The streamlit app compare the bias-free algorithm with the polls and help us questioning the polls and understanding when the team is good, or it is just hype (yes, I am talking to you Michigan).
The app is available at https://share.streamlit.io/matheusccouto/college-football-rankings/main/app.py and the project at https://github.com/matheusccouto/college-football-rankings
The algorithm is customizable. To change params, check the sidebar.
Please let me know your thoughts, and how well is your favorite team doing in the rankings.