I’m using st.beta_columns to display two graphs side by side, but what I get instead is that the second graph is drawn on top of the first.
Here is a simple sample code to demonstrate the problem. I tried putting the columns inside a container, but no dice. If I don’t use columns, the graphs get drawn one below the other, correctly.
Appreciate any help,
import streamlit as st
from graphviz import Digraph
def graph1():
t = Digraph('TrafficLights', filename='traffic_lights.gv', engine='neato')
t.attr('node', shape='box')
for i in (2, 1):
t.node('gy%d' % i)
t.node('yr%d' % i)
t.node('rg%d' % i)
t.attr('node', shape='circle', fixedsize='true', width='0.9')
for i in (2, 1):
t.node('green%d' % i)
t.node('yellow%d' % i)
t.node('red%d' % i)
t.node('safe%d' % i)
for i, j in [(2, 1), (1, 2)]:
t.edge('gy%d' % i, 'yellow%d' % i)
t.edge('rg%d' % i, 'green%d' % i)
t.edge('yr%d' % i, 'safe%d' % j)
t.edge('yr%d' % i, 'red%d' % i)
t.edge('safe%d' % i, 'rg%d' % i)
t.edge('green%d' % i, 'gy%d' % i)
t.edge('yellow%d' % i, 'yr%d' % i)
t.edge('red%d' % i, 'rg%d' % i)
t.attr(label=r'PetriNet Model TrafficLights\n'
r'Extracted from ConceptBase and layed out by Graphviz')
return t
def graph2():
g = Digraph('G', filename='cluster_edge.gv')
with g.subgraph(name='cluster0') as c:
c.edges(['ab', 'ac', 'bd', 'cd'])
with g.subgraph(name='cluster1') as c:
c.edges(['eg', 'ef'])
g.edge('b', 'f', lhead='cluster1')
g.edge('d', 'e')
g.edge('c', 'g', ltail='cluster0', lhead='cluster1')
g.edge('c', 'e', ltail='cluster0')
g.edge('d', 'h')
return g
def _main():
col1, mid, col2 = st.beta_columns([2, 1, 2])
with col1:
pl1 = st.empty()
with col2:
pl2 = st.empty()
g1 = graph1()
g2 = graph2()
pl1.graphviz_chart(g1, use_container_width=True)
pl2.graphviz_chart(g2, use_container_width=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':