Content update problem upon button click

i have an array of paragraphs and two buttons abs+ , abs- . when i click on abs+ the next index para should be visible and when i click on abs- , previous para should be visible. but when i click abs+ / abs - button the page reloads and stucks and even previous computation’s outputs are vanished.

Without seeing the relevant code, our help is limited. However you can try using the on_click parameter of the button to call another function where you execute other stuff to update other things in advance. This is due to the nature of streamlit running the code from top to bottom when there are changes in the states.

import streamlit as st
from youtube_transcript_api import YouTubeTranscriptApi
from Summerize import transcribe, detect_language, translate_large_text, recursive_summarize, summarize_paragraph, identify_key_phrases, highlight_key_phrases
#from  import Server

def main():
    st.title("Video Summarizer Tool")

    # Input box for users to input the URL
    videourl = st.text_input("Enter YouTube Video URL:")
    videoid = videourl.split("/")[-1]

    if st.button("Process Video"):"Processing video... This may take some time.")

            transcript_list = YouTubeTranscriptApi.list_transcripts(videoid)
            all_languages = ["hi", "bn", "te", "ta", "mr", "en", "es", "fr", "de", "zh-Hans", 'ar']

            total_content = ''
            for transcript in transcript_list:
                if transcript.language_code in all_languages:
                    captions = transcript.fetch()
                    for segment in captions:
                        if segment['text'] != '':  # Skip empty segments
                            total_content += segment['text'] + ' '
            detected_language = detect_language(total_content)

            if detected_language:
                st.success(f"The detected language is: {detected_language}")
                if detected_language != 'en':
                    total_content = translate_large_text(total_content, src_language=detected_language)
                    st.success(f"Translated text to English:\n{total_content}")

            # Transcribe the video if no transcript is available
            if not total_content:
                total_content = transcribe(videourl)
                st.success(f"Transcribed text:\n{total_content}")

            st.subheader("Summarization and Key Phrases Extraction")
            all_summaries = recursive_summarize(total_content)
            # Display the initial summary
            summary_container = st.empty()
            current_index = 0

            # Button to decrease the index
            if st.button('Abstract -'):
                if current_index > 0:
                    current_index -= 1
                    summary_container.empty()  # Clear previous content

            # Button to increase the index
            if st.button('Abstract +'):
                if current_index < len(all_summaries) - 1:
                    current_index += 1
                    summary_container.empty()  # Clear previous content

            result = summarize_paragraph(all_summaries[-1], num_sentences=5)
            key_phrases = identify_key_phrases(all_summaries[-1], min_length=2, max_length=4)

            if key_phrases is not None:
                st.subheader("Key Phrases:")
                st.text(', '.join(key_phrases))

                st.subheader("Highlighted Summary:")
                for i, sentence in enumerate(result, 1):
                    st.write(f"{i}. {highlight_key_phrases(sentence, key_phrases)}",unsafe_allow_html=True)

        except Exception as e:
            st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

this is the full code,please try to help me out