Hello guys, i want to be able to type in a column name using text_input and then press a button for adding that column name as a column to a data_editor without the current data in the data_editor are disappearing.
Steps to reproduce
Code snippet:
def test_columns(col_name):
first_key = next(iter(st.session_state["cso_df"])) # Get the first key
value_count = len(st.session_state["cso_df"][first_key])
st.session_state["cso_df"][col_name] = [""] * value_count
st.session_state.add_column = ""
def change_state2(edited_df):
st.session_state["cso_df"] = edited_df
if create_scratch_options == 'create data without using a template':
create_col = st.sidebar.text_input('add a column', placeholder="type a column name",
create_col_btn = st.sidebar.button('add the column', on_click=test_columns, args=(create_col,))
if 'cso_df' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["cso_df"] = st.data_editor({'column1': [None],'column2': [None],'column3': [None]},
num_rows='dynamic', use_container_width=True)
st.session_state["cso_df"] = st.data_editor(st.session_state["cso_df"], num_rows='dynamic',
use_container_width=True, on_change=change_state2, args=(st.session_state["cso_df"],))
Expected behavior:
when i type in a column name and click the add button, i should see a new column being added to the data_editor with empty values, and the existing data i have already typed in to the data_editor should not disappear.
Actual behavior:
whenever i have data in the data_editor and create a new column, the column shows successfully, but all the existing data are being removed. So it just end up being an empty dataframe also containing the new column.
Debug info
- Streamlit version: Streamlit, version 1.23.1
- Python version: Python 3.9.5
Additional information
This issue definitely occur because of the architecture of how the data_editor is designed. Since it seems like the data_editor is not updated each time i add some data to it. I have also noted that if i add a column name then remove it again, press the background of my app(so the page loads) then type the column name again, and press the add button, then it works.